In the Beginning…

In the Beginning…

Bulldog Custom Woodworking (BCW) began in earnest right after the beginning of the pandemic. I, Barry, am a full-time minister at First Baptist Church in Arlington; Jory is an A/V guru that travels around the nation doing live events, mainly corporate. We found ourselves together because of changes wrought by the times. My church was not meeting in person and the A/V world was at a standstill because there were no large gatherings. So…a hobby turned into a gig which became a business.


We started in the garage. Both of us were fairly handy and artistic. Both of us needed to stay busy. We found a common interest in what, for me, had been a hobby. Making sawdust and learning more about the woodworking craft became a passion. We bought more tools. We started experimenting with more expensive hardwoods. We read and went to YouTube “University” everyday. The passion caught the eye of friends. And, we made our first sales.


My wife graciously gave up our garage and we packed it with all of the things you would expect to find in a growing furniture endeavor. A couple of years in, Jory and I decided to go all-in on a business. Bulldog was born. A few legal documents, fees, and lease agreements later, we found ourselves in our current shop. BCW was a real, bona fide operation!


I love my church…good luck getting me to retire. Jory continues to freelance in the A/V industry. Together, we continue to grow BCW. Today, we build tables, desks, signage…if it’s made from wood, it’s right up our alley. (Hit the button to check our our Gallery.)

We continue to learn, improve, grow, and most definitely buy tools. We believe in friends not customers. We strive for unique, quality pieces. We are proud of everything that leaves our shop.


It is an honor to have served so many. We look forward to all the opportunities of the future. If you have questions, want to discuss possibilities, need a minister or an A/V guy (!) we’re here for you. We would love to schedule a time to meet you and show you around the shop. We’re here for you.

Oh yeah, AND we have to feed the BULLDOGS…

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